Filed under History

Is Nessie some sort of Apatosaur?

Is Nessie some sort of Apatosaur?

We have new evidence from a new source. A man who calls himself Kapitän Mors has taken a new photo of Nessie which we will share with the public soon. We will update this page whenever the photo is released and we are also busy trying to get an interview with this Mors lad.

The ‘escape’ of the Loch Ness Monster and it’s attack on Edinburgh

The ‘escape’ of the Loch Ness Monster and it’s attack on Edinburgh

Here’s a very good documentary on the international struggle for ownership of the Loch Ness Monster following it’s discovery in the US owned Loch Ness. In an effort to transport the dead Monster to the United States of America, Nessie is taken by truck towards Edinburgh. While crossing the Forth Road Bridge, the truck veers … Continue reading

First Photo of Nessie

First Photo of Nessie

The first purported photo of Nessie was published in “The Daily Mail” on April 21, 1934. Some claim that the Loch Ness monster was first reported in A.D. 565, when — according to Catholic legend — St. Columba turned away a giant beast that was threatening a man in the Ness River, which flows into … Continue reading